About us

Welcome to Eisenach.life! We're passionate advocates for showcasing the beauty, history, and diversity of Eisenach. Our mission is to provide you with a comprehensive insight into the fascinating facets of this city – from its historic landmarks to hidden gems, from cultural magnificence to natural wonders. Our dedicated team shares in your enthusiasm for Eisenach, helping you plan and experience your journey through this enchanting city. Join us on this exploration and discover the unforgettable stories and experiences that Eisenach has to offer.


Christian Wolf

Founder & editor in chief

Christian Wolf is the founder and editor-in-chief of eisenach.life. He began his career as an editor in 2008 as an intern at a Berlin-based science publisher. He then worked as an editor for over 10 years and was artistically active as a photographer. From 2009, he also ran various online portals, primarily in the education sector. Christian Wolf is the CEO of onblur.media GmbH, which is based in Eisenach. He lives in Eisenach, where he also spent much of his childhood.

Marcus Schütz


Marcus Schütz is a specialist editor. He writes and designs great texts for eisenach.life, researches topics, conducts interviews and sometimes edits videos. Marcus studied industrial engineering at Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences and lives on the outskirts of Eisenach.

Peter Thiele

Contentmanager & Moderator

Peter Thiele is the content manager for eisenach.live. He is mainly responsible for ensuring that our data is up to date: for example, opening times, prices and contact details for places of interest. Peter Thiele always puts together great Excel lists for us and creates a collegial atmosphere in the office. He lives in Eisenach, of course.